Summer Holiday Assignment note to Parent
Devi Rukmani Hr. Sec. School, Khargone
11th April 2019
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your care and support for a long time. Summer holiday is coming, and we are very much concerned about whether students could spend a colorful and happy summer vacation.
The summer vacation begins from 13th April to 16th June. The school will reopen on 17th June 2019.
We put forward the following suggestions to you:
- We should create a good atmosphere at home.
- Children should maintain regular life and keep learning.
- Life is no small matter; security should be in your mind.:
- Pay attention to traffic safety
- Safety education about drowning prevention:
- Parents should pay close attention to kids around your children.
- Keep civilized on the Internet and keep healthy every day.
- Do exercise regularly and make sure of food safety..
Dear parents, I hope you can cooperate closely with school, and be positive and responsible to arrange the students’ summer life.
Finally, hope for our students — be safe, grow healthily. And we wish you success in work, family happiness, and good luck in everything.
During the summer break reception will be staffed every day till 4pm , if you need to contact the school for any reason.
Please check the school website for further information.
Yours Sincerely
Devi Rukmani Hr. Sec. School, Khargone
Summer Vacation
Homework 2019-20
Class – Nursery to UKG
Note :- Use of A4 Size paper
Q.1 Paste your family picture of your summer vacation trip
Q.2 Make the picture with vegetable painting.
Q.3 (i) Thumb painting (Make-tree, peacock, flowers)
(ii) Finger painting (Make- Grapes)
Class – I & II
Subject – English
Q.1 Write 10 action words
Q.2 Write 5 sentences about your mother.
Q.3 Make a list of items which you required for your birthday party
Subject – Maths
- Expand the numbers-
(i)146 = 100+46+6
(ii)525 =
(iii)630 =
(iv)546 =
- Write the tables of 5 to 10.
Subject- EVS
Q.1 Visit the near by places and name five flowering plants.
Q.2 Put the words in the correct boxes –
Top, grapes, Hen, Rose, cow, Bat-ball, Apple, lily, kite, Horse, orange, Sunflower,
Toys Fruits Flower Animals
Subject- Hindi
प्र.1 ‘सुबह की सैर’ पर 8 वाक्य लिखो
प्र.2 ग्रीष्म अवकाश पर 10 वाक्य लिखिए ।
Subject – Computer
Q.1 Write the uses of computer in these places .
(i) In schools (ii) In Banks (iii) At Home (iv) At Hospitals (v) In offices (vi) In shops
Q.2 Write the 5 input and output devices.
Q.3. Draw the picture of computer and label the parts of computer .
Class – III to V
Subject – English
Q.1 Write 20 CVC words (ex- cat)
Q.2 Make 10 new words from the last letter of the previous words.
Q.3. Write a diary for 10 days “what you do in your summer vacation
Q.4 Write two lines on each topic.
(i) School Bag (ii) Parents (iii) Books
(iv) Friends (v) Animals
Q.5 Add the suffix & make new words
(i) Milk+ ________
(ii) Rain + _______
(iii) Sun + ________
(iv) Butter + _______
Subject- Maths
Q.1 Write some cardinal & ordinal numbers upto 20
Q.2 Write the place value of each
4 6 9 :- —————–
3 4 7 :- —————–
5 6 7 :- —————–
4 0 5 :- —————–
8 9 0 :- —————–
Q.3 Draw the Indian currency .
Subject- Science
Q.1 Paste the different types of leaves and name them.
Q.2 Draw the process of photosynthesis.
Subject- Social Science
Q.1 Prepare of solar system .
Q.2 Write 10 names rivers.
Q.3 Write the different languages according to their states .(Any 10)
Subject – Hindi
प्र.1 समाचार पत्र से संज्ञा शब्द काट कर पेज पर चिपकाइए।
प्र.2 कोई दो पहेलियाँ लिखिए। (उत्तर सहित)
प्र.3 चित्र बनाकर कोई एक मनपंसद छोटी कहानी लिखिए ।
Subject – Computer
Q.1 Draw the diagram of some input and output devices.
Q.2 Write some uses of internet .
Q.3 Write lines on Internet terms- web pages, website, Home page,
Q.4 Draw 4 web browser and colour it .
Class – VI to VIII
Subject – English
Q.1 Write a page Daily in handwriting notebook.
Q.2 Listen to the English news on television daily and write down two-three
news that you have heard in your own words.
Q.3 Read the stories from books or from your grammar book.
Q.4 Paste pictures of famous persons, and write 10-15 lines about them. (any 3)
Q.5 Draw and colour a picture of –
A polluted city with smoke, noise, cars and people.
A village with birds and lake compare the two places and write your views
which place would you prefer to stay and also mention the reason.
Q.6 Do the grammar exercises in your grammar book
Subject – Maths
Q.1 Make a different type of shapes and give example in our enviroment. like =
square its example = cube
Q.2 Write the age of family members and make a graph according to ascending order.
Q.3 Write the different types of angles and give example from our environment.
Q.4 Take a length and breadth of your home door and window and find out.
(i) Area (ii) Perimeter
Subject – Science
Q.1 Why plant is necessary for the earth ?
Q.2 Which item can be recycled?
Q.3 Write the advantage and disadvantage of plastics .
Q.4 What things are necessary for our body in summer days ?
Q.5 Why does our body needs proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and glucose ?
Subject – Social science
Q.1 Find out the names of Chief Ministers and Governors of Indian states.( Any 10)
Q.2 Dream a rough map to show how you get to your school from your home give it a title direction & key.
Q.3 Which Indian states are known as “seven sisters” ? Find out more about them.
Subject – Hindi
प्र.1 निम्नलिखित अक्षर- समूहों (अच्छे गुण) को सही क्रम में लिखो – प्र.1 निम्नलिखित अक्षर- समूहों (अच्छे गुण) को सही क्रम में लिखो – (1) न ह ती में ——– (2) स ख मु हँ ——– (3) त्य दी स वा ——– (4) लु या द ——–
प्र.2 कुछ ऐसे व्यवसाय होते है जिनमें शारीरिक परिश्रम की आवश्यकता होती और कुछ व्यवसायों में मानसिक श्रम की आवश्यकता होती हैं । इन दोनो प्रकार की व्यवसायों की जानकारी प्राप्त कर लिखिए ।प्र.3 निम्नलिखित शब्द के विलोम शब्द पहचानिए-
(1) खुशी ग गम/प्रसन्नता
(2) बैर ग मित्रता अपनापन
(3) अन्याय ग न्याय/फैसला
(4) आदर ग निरादर/सम्मान
(5) रोगी ग आबाद/ खुशहाल
(6) अंधकार ग उजाला/प्रकाश
(7) बरबाद ग आबाद/खुशहाल
(8) प्राताकाल ग सुबह/सायंकाल
प्र.4 स्वच्छता और पर्यावरण पर एक रंगीन चार्ट तैयार कीजिए ।
Subject – Sanskrit
प्र.1 रामायणस्य पात्राणां नामानि लिखत्।
प्र.2 मम परिचय लिखत्
प्र.3 संख्यावाचक शब्दाः लिखत ।
प्र.4 स्त्रीलिंग, पुल्लिग, नपुंसकलिंग शब्दाः चित्वा पंच-पंच शब्दाः लिखत्ः
Subject – Computer
Q.1 Make a profile of Students of your class in excel sheet
Q.2 Make PowerPoint presentation of 20 slides. Topic – save water.
Q.3 Write a paragraph on any search engine with diagrams
Q.4 Describe the parts of computer with diagram on A4 size sheet.
Q.5 Write about computer software in 100 words.
Class – IX
Subject – English
1. Write an article on “ Swatch Bharat Mission”.
2. Write a poem on “ friend ship”.
3. You are a member of your school Basketball team which has been winning the gold in the zonal levels for the past five years. This year, your school team had to settle for a bronze. Write a diary entry in about 100-150 words about your feelings.
4.Change the sentence to indirect speech .
- He said to me,” Can you give me your pen?”
- I said to him ,” Need I talk to her ?”
- He asked, “what happened ?”
Subject- Maths
1. Find HCF of fractions 9/10 , 12/25 , 18/ 35 , and 21/40 is
2. The ratio of two number is 3:4 and their HCF is 27. Their LCM is.
3. In how many years, Rs 150 will produce the same interest @ 8% as Rs. 800 produce in 3 years @ 4% ?
4. Select the alternative and take appropriate word
XZG: CAT :: DOG: ?
- NUMBER Analogy.
56: 72 :: 90:?
- 96
- 97
- 100
- 110
Subject – Science
Q.1 Make a pin – hole camera or periscope.
Q.2 Make a ppt (power Point Presentation) on a topic of your wish from 8th or 9th class text book.
Q.3 Study the motion of sun and try to find its velocity in angle per second.
Q.4 Try to find distance of nearest tower using indirect method.
Subject – Social Science
- Who started the civil services examination and when, what was the
purpose of civil service examination?
- What was found in Harappa? Where is Harappa in present day?
- What is carbon 14 dating?
- Why did Neanderthals go extinct? Are they humans?
- Write the list of Indian states and their chief ministers.
Subject – Hindi
प्र.1 किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का साक्षात्कार लीजिए जिसने जीवन में कड़ा संघर्ष करते हुए अपना लक्ष्य पाया हो ।
प्र.2 यदि देश की बागडोर तुम्हारे हाथ में आ जाए तो उसमंे क्या परिवर्तन लाना चाहोगे?
प्र.3 यात्रा के समय बिल्ली द्वारा रास्ता काटना और किसी का छीकना अपशकुन माना जाता है। इस प्रकार
की मान्यताएँ अंधविश्वास कहलाती है। समाज मंे फैलंे इस प्रकार के अंध विश्वासों की सूची बनाकर उन्हे दूर करने के उपाय सोचिए।
प्र.4 देश पर कुरबान होने वाले वीरेां के बारे में समाचार पत्रोें पुस्तको पत्रिकाओं और इंटरनेट के माध्यम से जानकारी एकत्रित करके एक परियोजना कार्य तैयार किजिए।
प्र.5 हमारा देश लोकतंात्रिक देश है। हाल ही मंे लोकसभा चुनाव होने जा रहे हैै। लोकसमा से संबंधित सभी जानकारी लिखिए ।
Class -X
Subject- English
1.Write an article on “Gadgets of Modern world”.
2. Write a poem on “Mother Nature”.
- Change the sentences to indirect speech
- He said to me,” What do you want ?”
- She asked me, “Where do you live ?”
- He asked, “What happened ?”
- One evening, you and your family met your cousins from America for the first time. Their parents had settled in America fifteen years ago. Write a diary entry about the evening.(120 words)
Subject- Maths
Rationalize the denominators
- Find the value of K , if x-1 is factor of kx2-3x+k
- Select the alternative and take appropriate word
XZG: CAT :: DOG: ?
- NUMBER Analogy.
56: 72 :: 90:?
- 96
- 97
- 100
- 110
- Evaluate (998)2 and 103×97 using identities.
Subject – Science
Q.1 Make a pin – hole camera or periscope.
Q.2 Make a ppt (power Point Presentation) on a topic of your wish from 8th or 9th class text book.
Q.3 Study the motion of sun and try to find its velocity in angle per second.
Q.4 Try to find distance of nearest tower using indirect method.
Subject – Social Science
- Explain the structure of parliament ?
- Write overview of Indian polity, Historical background from 1857 to1947.
- Write a short note on geography of India.
- Write a short note on Russian revolution.
- Write the list of Indian states and their Chief Ministers.
Subject – Hindi
प्र.1 किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का साक्षात्कार लीजिए जिसने जीवन में कड़ा संघर्ष करते हुए अपना लक्ष्य पाया हो ।
प्र.2 यदि देश की बागडोर तुम्हारे हाथ में आ जाए तो उसमंे क्या परिवर्तन लाना चाहोगे?
प्र.3 यात्रा के समय बिल्ली द्वारा रास्ता काटना और किसी का छीकना अपशकुन माना जाता है। इस प्रकार
की मान्यताएँ अंधविश्वास कहलाती है। समाज मंे फैलंे इस प्रकार के अंध विश्वासों की सूची बनाकर उन्हे दूर करने के उपाय सोचिए।
प्र.4 देश पर कुरबान होने वाले वीरेां के बारे में समाचार पत्रोें पुस्तको पत्रिकाओं और इंटरनेट के माध्यम से जानकारी एकत्रित करके एक परियोजना कार्य तैयार किजिए।
प्र.5 हमारा देश लोकतंात्रिक देश है। हाल ही मंे लोकसभा चुनाव होने जा रहे हैै। लोकसमा से संबंधित सभी जानकारी लिखिए ।
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